
Archive for the ‘Bel Ami’ Category

A script review for Bel Ami… obviously chock-full of spoilers. Excerpt:

I haven’t read the book or story or whatever so bear with me if I get some of this wrong. We meet Georges on his last dime, literally. He lives in a cockroach infested room with a death trap for a bed. Penniless or not he goes to the bar to spend his last few coins. There he sees someone he recognizes… someone he served in the army with Charles. Who happens to be some rich guy that has something to do with the paper. He invites Georges to dinner, her even gives G money to buy some evening attire. So Georges shows up at dinner where he meets ultimately the three women who will probably be the death of him at some point. It’s funny how they are introduced at one time… the scripts says “He watches the three women – the blonde, the brunette, the redhead…” I was wondering if this would turn into one of those blonde jokes lol.

You can read the full review here

So I was thinking I’d do a review of the Remember Me (or rather, Memoirs) script that was floating around… keep on the look out for that 🙂

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