
Archive for the ‘Random’ Category

I just had to post this because it’s so funny:

For the most part, fashion trends reflect what is happening in the wider world; nothing greater highlights this than the effect the economic bubbles of the 1920s and 1990s had upon fashion. In 2009, we’re faced with much the same issues: economic problems. Fortunately, some of the young British stars of today – Rob Pattinson and friends, Bobby Long and Marcus Foster – are telling the young men of the world that it’s O.K. to look poor. Everyone – whether rich or poor, famous or unknown, can look the same and it’s tres cheap.

So, young men, hang up your tuxedos and suits. Fold away those khaki pants and preppy blue and pink shirts. Dig out your old holey, ripped, worn-out jeans, t-shirts of any kind, (preferably with holes), plaid shirts – preferably missing a couple of buttons, those stacks of hoodies, and oversized ratty-tatty sweaters. Look for old beanies and baseball caps and get ready for fall with the new “Homeless Chic” look.

While on a recent U.S. tour, Marcus Foster, one of Britain’s “on the brink of stardom” musicians/singer/songwriters tweeted that he shopped at the Salvation Army on 99-cent Wednesday and bought a thousand shirts. Meanwhile, Rob Pattinson told his Twilight director, Catherine Hardwicke, that he had to borrow one of Marcus Foster’s plaid shirts (well-worn and comfy) to wear to the Teen Choice Awards because all of his were dirty. Paired with jeans and a casual jacket with his famous haystacky, lackadaisical hair, Pattinson was chic and trendy at the awards show.

Meanwhile, Bobby Long has been seen performing throughout the U.S. in his plaid shirts and cut jeans with long, swooping hair over his eyes and a day or two-old beard scruffing up his cheeks. The only way to describe these young guys’ styles is to say “Homeless Chic.” And is it ever popular. Even London’s dapper Prince William has been seen wearing a scruffy beard as if he, too, is following the “Homeless Chic” look.

More of the hilarity can be found at the source


What possesses people to write these things? I don’t think Rob (or Marcus or Bobby for that matter) looks homeless. Just comfy. And comfy is good. So what if they don’t wear freaking Armani everywhere they go?

EDIT: I forgot about the Stoli shirt. That one’s… uh, ready for the great smelly dumpster in the ally.

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Robert Pattinson usually comes in at the top of most Hollywood polls and lists. When it comes to the Forbes list of the most powerful vampires in Hollywood, Pattinson comes in 5th.

The Twilight star received a place on the list for his wildly popular character, the century-old, devilishly handsome yet brooding vampire, Edward Cullen.

Pattinson had some tough competition on the Forbes list, especially from True Blood’s Stephen Moyer, Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s David Boreanaz, and Blade’s Wesley Snipes, all of which came in ahead of Pattinson in the poll.

To view a slideshow of the list,  go here!

As the vampire phenomenon continues to grow, lists like the one at Forbes.com are sure to change a bit. Perhaps by the time the fourth and final installment of the Twilight Saga comes out, Pattinson can climb his way into number one!


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Many “Twilight” fans may think the first film in Stephenie Meyer’s four-part saga is darn near perfect, but there are a few things director Catherine Hardwicke would go back and change if she could. “I would have a giant, plastic dome built over the state of Oregon,” Hardwicke joked during a one-hour Q&A session at the official “Twilight” convention in Parsippany, New Jersey.

Joking aside, Hardwicke did say she wishes she could have delved deeper into Bella’s vivid dreams. “I loved in the book when Stephenie would describe some of the dreams and things, so I really wanted to film some of the dream sequences,” Hardwicke said. “And we had a whole plan for this beautiful, underwater dream sequence. [But we had] no money. They said, ‘We can’t afford it.’ We had to do a lot of things with little money because Summit didn’t know if anyone was going to see the movie.”

Obviously fans came out in droves for the vampire romance, but there were a few other scenes fans didn’t get to see. For one, the beloved “blood test” scene from the novel was cut to add variety to the filming locations — and to abate Hardwicke’s bloody fears. “I was actually that person that fainted in my seventh-grade biology class,” she said. Another thing fans didn’t see was a hairy Robert Pattinson. Hardwicke originally envisioned Bella’s bloodsucking boyfriend Edward with long hair. “I thought it would be cool if Rob had long, romantic hair,” she said. “So we put extensions on Rob and he just hated it. He sat there in the chair for eight hours and was like, ‘No.’ ”

Hardwicke also had Pattinson style secrets to share from off the set. According to the director, Pattinson was sporting a not-so-fresh shirt at the Teen Choice Awards. “I was sitting on the couch next to Rob and he was telling me, ‘I didn’t know what to wear. I didn’t have anything clean, so my friend wore this shirt last night and did a performance.’ So his buddy did a whole performance in this shirt and Rob found it on the floor and thought it was the cleanest shirt he had, so he wore it to the awards.”

But it wasn’t all Rob, Rob, Rob during the Q&A session — Hardwicke offered particular kudos to actress Kristen Stewart. When one fan asked if Stewart could pull of the emotional intensity needed in “New Moon,” Hardwicke wholeheartedly replied yes. “She has depth deeper than any actress I’ve ever known.”

Though the session revolved mainly around “Twilight,” Hardwicke alluded to her upcoming projects including “If I Stay,” “Hamlet,” “Maximum Ride” and the recently announced “The Girl With the Red Riding Hood,” noting that they are all in the development stages and that she is not sure which she’ll work on first. “Any fortune tellers out there?” she asked.


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Thinking of Rob has more calendar pics that I was too lazy to add. It’s 2:30 AM. I have 126 google alerts. Yeahh. But I’m catching up because on Thursday I’m running away for a three day Supernatural marathon. It’s going to be fantastic.


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Robert Pattinson’s break-out role as Edward Cullen in “Twilight” has made him a international star, but does he have the staying power to become a major movie star, capable of carrying a big budget movie?

It’s too early to tell at this point in his career, but those voting in a recent Improper.com poll believe Rob has all the makings of a matinée idol just like James Dean and Marlon Brando.

Both stars, like Rob, vaulted to fame in breakout roles in coming of age films about teens during the 1950s.

Brando went on to an illustrious movie career, starring in a wide range of films from “Mutiny on the Bounty” to “The Godfather” later in life. He twice won Oscars for Best Actor and was named the fourth Greatest Male Star of All Time by the American Film Institute.

Dean died young and tragically in a car accident, but he cemented his reputation as a major Hollywood star after appearing in just three films.

He is the first actor to receive a posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and remains the only person to be honored with two posthumous acting nominations.

Rob’s career is just unfolding, and most of his work to date has been in small, independent films. But 88.6 percent of those responding to TheImproper.com’s poll believe that Rob definitely has the same qualities as Dean and Brando.

more at the source

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Sorry about the news fail, guys. RL is kicking my ass. I’ll get back to it as soon as I can.

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Yeah. Okay. I’ve been decidedly fail the past couple of days. I’m sorry *puppy eyes* Perhaps today’s VotD will make up for it. It’s entitled “A Day in the Life of Robert Pattinson.”

*grins* If you want to see their parody on Kristen (which is also hilarious) you can find it here

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Diablo Cody (if you don’t know who she is, shame on you. She wrote Juno) had an interview with Inked and, strangely enough, Robert Pattinson came up 🙂

Here’s the bit of the article that talks about him:

We read on your Twitter that you were at a party with Robert Pattinson from Twilight and didn’t recognize him.

Awww. I’m old. [Laughs.] That anecdote was merely meant to illustrate the fact that I am out of touch. He’s a beautiful man and I would certainly recognize him now.

So what happened?

He wouldn’t remember this happening. I honestly just went up and borrowed a light from him and I couldn’t understand why there was this vibration in the crowd like, You’re talking to him! I thought, You mean that guy with the cigarettes? Aw, this sounds terrible. You know what I love about Twitter is the spontaneity, like you can share an anecdote like you would with your friends—but then there’s always the risk that this brilliant, beautiful man is going to think I’m a douchebag.

Read the rest here

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Beverly Hills, 90210 breakout star Dustin Mulligan was once a frontrunner for the role of vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight film series — but lost the role to heartthrob Robert Pattinson because he wasn’t British enough.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t have a British accent so, I didn’t get the job,” Dustin, who plays Ethan on The CW’s modern-day revival of 90210.

Dustin says he was most disappointed about the fact he wouldn’t have the chance to work with his In the Land of Women co-star Kristen Stewart for a second time.

“Kristen was actually a remarkable young woman. I met her when she was 15… She’s really really smart… She’s got the potential to do anything,” the young actor told Access Hollywood on Wednesday.


If this is real, then it’s kind of ridiculous. Rob uses an American accent in the movie, so him being British has nothing to do with it. *Rolls eyes* whatever makes you feel better about yourself, Dusty 😛

EDIT: it is true, but the article kinda took it out of context. This is what I get for not completing the research before I post.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

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The Examiner has made an interesting comparison between Robert Pattinson and Elvis Presley. Excerpt:

After recently doing a bio of Elvis Presley, something occurred to me about one of the mysterious reasons this series is so popular.  Yes, Stephenie Meyer paid homage to some classically successful literature in her books (Romeo and Juliet, anyone?), and basically comprised a story about an “every-girl” in love with the “ultimate bad boy with a heart of gold,” but when it comes to the furor over the film series (and furor is putting it mildly), I’ve noticed something I don’t think anyone else has brought up: The Presley Factor.

My theory is not rock solid, but as pictures often say more than words, check out exhibits A and B below.

Countless film reviewers have referred to Robert Pattinson as having a brooding quality — but with that tousled and slightly greasy mane piled high on his noggin, and his ability to put his chin down and his eyes up, creating a dark-lidded smolder, from certain angles he strongly resembles a young Elvis Presley.  (There’s a little James Dean in there, too, but let’s stick with the subject at hand.)  He has certainly mastered the ability to cause screaming pandemonium among teenage girls.

EXHIBIT A – PRESLEY AND PATTINSON (Britt: click image to see it full size)

More + Video and the source

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